Understanding and adjusting to life after a loss can be difficult. A loss can generate feelings, emotions, behaviors, and thoughts never experienced before, which can lead to questions about your sense of self or being.
A loss can be anything that you once had or knew and no longer have in the same way. This includes a relationship, a person, a job, a four-legged friend, a pet, a home, a death, heirlooms, a neighborhood, and the list goes on. At times, there are people in our life that may not understand the difficulties and challenges one may face after experiencing a loss. Parents may not realize the emotional pain a child endures after moving to another state, country, or town. Coworkers may not fathom the emotional pain one suffers after a beloved pet is no longer living. When others are unable to empathize or comprehend your loss the hurt grows and you may feel alone or restricted from grieving.
Grief is a natural process that can occur following a loss. Sometimes people have a hard time grieving. Grieving and being or feeling alone can complicate the grief journey further. The loss of something or someone a person was once attached remains with the person for life. There can be times when concerns may arise while a person is grieving. These concerns can include inability to sleep, refusing food, crying without ceasing for hours on end, not returning to daily tasks or responsibilities, trouble focusing, withdrawing from family and friends, talking about ending life, as well as wanting to hurt others.
Grief is not a journey you have to face alone; I will walk along with you.