Oasis 4 our Soul

Ask the Question!

Ever want to ask the question and hesitate? The fear of what the answer may be can be crippling.  Your eyes are not deceiving you, your heart is not misleading you, and your perception is not blurry, yet it can be difficult to ask.  Despite suicide being the 10th leading cause of death in the US and the 2nd leading...[ read more ]

Three simple words that can hurt

  Everyday people use these three words to family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, peers, and strangers.  They put these three words in a form of a question.  The question is abused and misused by many.   Do words still matter?  Have we become unfocused in a way that betrays the meaning of this question?  Ever stop and ask yourself why do...[ read more ]

No matter how cloudy, you can always shine

#stress #darktimes #uplift   In facing life, bearing stress, responsibilities, enduring heartbreak, times can feel dark and cloudy.  When you are facing challenges and things are not going right; look to see how one of your many gifts or talents can brighten someone’s current moment.  The clouds may be darkening your view, but they do not have to block your...[ read more ]

Changing Habits

#new routines #forming habits It is often said that it takes doing something 7 times for a habit to form.  There are mantras and inspirational quotes to encourage people to form new habits.  However, what about getting from point A to point B?  The forming of the behavior for the habit is essential to get to one before attempting a...[ read more ]

Sticks & Stones…words will never…

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Remember reciting this clever response to a classmate or family member who said something offensive, hurtful, or upsetting to you; usually about your character or person.  We were taught this would protect us. The saying encourages one to not mind what someone else says, it suggests that...[ read more ]

This isn’t the sandwich I ordered

#stress, #relationship issues #family issues Ever anticipate eating a decadent sandwich and when you bite into it you realize either it doesn’t taste the way your expected, or there is an ingredient on it unappealing to your taste buds.  In this situation you have options, you can inform the sandwich maker of your displeasure.  Possibly the person will remake the...[ read more ]

12 S Summit Ave Ste. 100
Gaithersburg, MD 20877

(301) 281-6550

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